I’d be safe and warm if I was in LA …

On Wednesday, I spent the a day in Bakersfield, catching up with friends, visiting the doctor, and dropping off tax information.  It was a good day with many accomplishments and even the traffic gods smiled down on me as I had few delays in either direction.

When I am driving by myself, there are two things that I listen to: 1. archived NPR podcasts  or 2. eclectic music choices that are from either my phone or the numerous radio stations that I neurotically flip through.  Last night, the sound of choice was music and appropriately, the Mamas and Papa’s classic, California Dreaming, came on the radio just as I was passing the 170/Hollywood exit.  As I looked out my window, I saw the LA skyline and I was reminded how awe-inspiring this view is at night – twinkling, tall buildings encased by ribbons of red and white car lights.  Now, truth be told, I still claim the Chicago skyline to be my favorite; however, the LA skyline is a close second.

Not long after, the Frank Zappa “Valley Girl” song came on some obscure 80’s satellite channel.  I probably have not heard this song since the Valley Girl movement made its way east of the Mississippi. At the time,  while a teen myself, we borrowed phrases such as “gag me with a spoon” or “totally”.  And then came a lyric about going to the Galleria and a little light bulb went on inside my head and I realized that the reference was most likely to the Glendale Galleria which I will concur is quite a “totally awesome” place to shop; however, when I heard the song many years ago as a teenager, I had no clue about this reference or many others mentioned in the song.  I had no clue what it meant to live not just in LA  but in California, in general.

Now, fast forward to last night, and I found myself in a surreal universe that traveling “home” actually meant that LA would be my final destination.

I reflected on things that when I was “California Dreaming” I had no idea that some day, these things would become my new normal – my “home”.

Here are just a few thoughts on what has become “normal” to me after 24 years in CA:

1. Every single day I see some kind of palm tree and never give it a second glance or thought.

2. Rain (or any act of Mother Nature) becomes such a major, exciting event  as most days it is usually just sunny and clear.  (If you happen to be reading this and are one of my friends from the midwest or east coast, please don’t hate me! :o) )

3.  California is very multicultural  – multiethnic – and I am accustomed to seeing such diversity. In addition, it is common to constantly hear languages other than English being spoken, and fortunately for me, when that happens and it is in Spanish, I still understand what was said.

4. Everyone drives – long distances and long hours – and most of the time it is just what we do (although yes, we – ok I – still complain about it!).

5. Mountains are always viewed on the horizon but not always visible, and when not  visible it is usually due to smog.  And whether one can see the mountains or cannot, the phenomenon does not seem strange, or out of the ordinary.

6. The fresh produce – both fruits and vegetables – is amazing.  Only in CA have I found grapes that are the size of plums and guacamole that is made with fresh avocado, cilantro, and onions is to die for!

While yes, all this goodness does come with a price – high cost of living, lots of traffic, etc., I still now consider CA home and would not want to be in any other place!

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