I wear my sunglasses at night …

Perhaps the title would be better stated as I would wear my sunglasses at night if I could find them.  I am currently separated from my most recent sunglass acquisition which (quite wisely) was procured at Walmart.  A nice, five dollar pair of sunglasses.  This elusive pair of darkened lenses is now most likely hiding out in some sort vortex of lost things – perhaps nestled, quite comfortably, amongst a pile of sock singletons that are living the good life away from a dryer or sock drawer.

Obviously, this is not the first pair of sunglasses I have lost in my life.  And, it will probably not be the last.  I began searching for my sunglasses this morning, reminded of the fact that I will need them on Sunday as I sit outside in sunny Santa Barbara and watch my oldest daughter, Laura, graduate from college.  I have not seen them for a week, so it is almost time to call of the search party and make yet another trip to Walmart for another pair.

While checking through the corners and crevices of my car, I remembered quite fondly a few pairs of sunglasses I owned in the past.  To begin, when mirrored sunglasses were all the range, I had a pair that were not only reflective but also had a palm tree and beach scene on the front.  Because of the tinting, the printing on the lenses was not visible when worn.  I believe I was immortalized wearing these as I donned them for a senior picture that showcased all of us wearing “shades” because our “future was so bright”.  (Now, go ahead … put those two phrases together.  You can thank me later for yet another 80’s tune that runs through your head!)  Another pair that I remember fondly is my Brighton sunglasses I bought a few years ago.  Yes, with the name “Brighton” you can correctly assume  that I paid more than five dollars for them.  They were black with silver and rhinestone bling that added just a bit of pop.  I had them for over a year and was always quite careful with them.  In the car I was driving at the time, there was a compartment that was created specifically as a sunglass holder and I religiously parked my glasses in that compartment each time I left the car.  This plan was ultimately foiled when my car, parked in my driveway, was broken into during the middle of the night and my sunglasses were taken along with my GPS and a cup containing my rainy-day coffee money.  *Big, heavy sigh*. The last pair to escape me was a pair of Oakley sunglasses that my friend, Jill, gave me.  Jill gave me specific care instructions and strategies for not losing this pair of sunglasses (apparently my reputation with sunglasses is a bit notorious).  I lasted at least two years with this glasses, only to have “misplaced them” during our move.

In comparison, Thomas, my roommate, has had the same pair of sunglasses the whole time I have known him.  A pair of “legit” Ray-Bans as my daughter, Sammie, said once when she found them in my car. Thomas has occaisional moments when he and his sunglasses are briefly separated.  Frequently, I have heard the question, “Have you seen my sunglasses?”.  However, each time they have been reunited.  In fact, after his recent fender-bender and the air bags deployed, his poor Ray-Bans have suffered a bit of a spider web crack on the outside of the lenses.  Yet, he still is wearing them!

The mystery of the missing sunglasses continues.  Soon, yet another pair will be added to the mix I am sure.  As I wrote this, I realized that “sunglasses” could be a metaphor to facets of my real life – in particular, relationships. I’ll let you go ahead and connect the dots!